First, students can generally find out enough about a book to write a report without actually reading it. However, there are several problems associated with book reports. Some teachers also consider these reports as a major part of their composition program.

"Typically a book report is a means of determining whether or not a student has read a book. (Mindy Warshaw Skolsky, Love From Your Friend, Hannah. Then you can even tell that your friend liked it." Tell the names of all the characters in the book.
"I'll give you some tips on how to write a good book report right now. The writer of a book report is not required to evaluate the author, although he oftentimes does so." preceded by a full bibliographical citation. "A book report is a summary of the contents, plot, or thesis of a particular book. (Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, Modern Rhetoric. The book report is also to be clearly distinguished from a book review or a critical essay, for it merely reports on a book without undertaking to compare it with other books or to pass judgment on its value." A book report is to be sharply distinguished from a research paper, for it deals with one book in its entirety-not with certain aspects of several books and documents. "Your instructor may occasionally assign a book report. (Elvin Ables, Basic Knowledge and Modern Technology. It gives hard information about the book, yet it is your own creation, giving your opinion and judgment of it." "Keep in mind always that a book report is a hybrid, part fact and part fancy. (Ann McCallum, William Strong, and Tina Thoburn, Language Arts Today. A good book report will help others decide whether they want to read the book or not." "A book report is a way for you to let others know about a book you have read.