Its been a while since I map conquered, I usually play with some kind of goal in mind (like taking Ikit Claw and slaughtering all the dwarves, or migrating to Lustria and conquering it. I can't remember how long it takes to conquer on normal, but on legendary it'll take you 250+ turns to conquer the map.
if you are looking to full map conquer every team takes a long time unless your playing on lower difficulties, Tyrion is probably one of the most OP lords in the game, and HE is the strongest faction overall so its probably the easiest to conquer the world with. I have way, way, way to many hours into TWH.

I am currently on a TWH2 break, have been for about a year. Which, if you have the cash is a vastly superior game to 40k so the assumption is the Old World game will be better than Age of Sigmar, and also sell models that are over 2000 USD per kit, and are pretty boss, though you can use some in 40k as well. But it's going to be done by Forge World as sort of a retro throw back ala their Horus Heresy table top game. Ever since the shit fit over Age of Sigmar it's been known Fantasy is coming back. That really goes to Malice/Mala from Chaos which they legally can't touch now, and other even more minor things. So these aren't really esoteric factions they didn't flesh out, put on the table, and keep around after. Cathay and Nippon also figured heavily into the Skaven lore as Clan Eshin is actually based there, and that was a dominant and hyper popular faction. And it's not as if a bunch of stuff now isn't pretty much "white dwarf rules and history". And it's not like Games Workshop doesn't nuke races/factions (looking at you Chaos Dwarves) left and right.

Cathay and Nippon both had minis, blisters and boxed sets before in 2E era.